other counters

Standard vexingozar


May 11, 2017

added fatal push. seams like a perfect remowal for this deck. Im killing my own creatures all the time.

soreu7 says... #1

This looks pretty good. I suggest putting a play set of Festering Mummy in so you can put the -1/-1 counters on your weak creatures. Festering mummy is good because it can convert the counter to an opposing creature. Notice that if you play Blisterpod on turn one, then Exemplar of Strength turn two, you can place all three counters on Blisterpod, then Blisterpod becomes a 1/1 where you can place more counters on and you have a 4/4. That is why you want the one-drops, they can be very useful with your -1/-1 counter distributing cards. If you are going to go for this strategy I suggest taking out the Hapatra's Mark for the Festering Mummy's because you won't be placing the -1/-1 counters on you big creatures. Yesterday I made a similar decklist (lol), it is called BG -1/-1 Counters.

May 5, 2017 8:21 a.m.

vexingozar says... #2

soreu7 thanks for the comment! I did try the Festering Mummy but after playtesting it turned out to be too much of a card disadvantage. Placing just 1 -1/-1 counter on an enemy creature usually is does not do much even if you add +1 life synergy with Plague Belcher and its a terrible topdeck. Blisterpod is so good because of card advantage. It gives me a counter dump (even after wipe) + it allows me to play Crocodile of the Crossing and attack for 9 on t3. Hapatra's Mark is vital if i don't draw other things to dump counters on an it also protects my biggest threats from removal - biggest threat for this deck. It goes topdeck very fast.

May 5, 2017 3:43 p.m.

Haimi1001 says... #3

This deck... simple idea, but awesome synergy... nice. As far as sac fodder, there's the new 2drop that generates a zombie when it dies. I think you could use at least 2 more of those double-sacable creatures.

May 9, 2017 1:30 p.m.

soreu7 says... #4

Haimi1001 I have a similar deck and I tried that, the only problem is it takes up a 2-drop -1/-1 counter distributing spot, which I have found vital to the deck.

May 9, 2017 5:38 p.m.