Legion of DOOM

Standard* TH0R


Feb. 4, 2013

Update #1: -4 Slaughterhorns/+4 Ash Zealots -3 Rancor/+3 Rakdos Crackler

Ended games faster with the ash zealots and cacklers. Madcap is still a great addition and still has great synergy with Legion Loyalist. Won more games when replacing the slaughterhorns and rancors with ash zealot and rakdos cackler.

Burning tree is still a great combo with lightning mauler turn 2 and come up about 65% of my games.

start021 says... #1

Congratulations... you can beat a goldfish. First of all, there is no reason not to use Giant Growth over Slaughterhorn, it's just better. Second, Burning Tree Emissary is mediocre. It synergies with one card in your deck, and you need both on turn 2 for it to be effective. Short window + low odds = bad outcomes. Ash Zealot is far better in the 2 slot, as it is first strike, haste, and it punishes Lingering Souls

February 3, 2013 12:35 p.m.

Vhyxalas says... #2

Agreed, Zealot and Strangleroot Geist are much better as 2 drops, and if you're going to bloodrush anything, I'd go with Ghor-Clan Rampager . also recommend maybe something like Thundermaw as a finisher, and you should have something in the board to deal with things like blind obedience, which all but shuts you down. BTE might be a good accelerator, but it's rarely a good later game top-deck

February 3, 2013 10:01 p.m.