IZ this the new Burn ?

Standard* voojeff


Oct. 17, 2012

I am absolutely blown away with the camaraderie and the spirit of community here at TAPPED OUT.. You can take a mediocre idea of a deck and with the kindness of people lending their time to playtest and input make it one that is decent and playable .

Again I will reiterate, this deck is not one you should bring into competitive tournaments (I sure won't bring it in my tournament play! ) but it is the type of deck that drew a lot of us initially into MAGIC. A fun, cross your fingers type of combo that make you "giggle like a girl when it hits" deck . Because its not about how you crushed everybody in your FNM or how you're trying to build a deck with all your of Jace's version with your apha lands. A lot of people do forget that MAGIC is still played in a lot of school benches, homes table tops and where ever mats can be laid down and that the most fun memory you have is when you discuss the 'what if' combinations with friends. That is what this community is all about , this deck is a product of all those people making 'what if ' comments and encouragements. Its a hundred times better than when first devised it. There are a lot of games it loses miserably but now it does win. And when it wins, it wins in an absolutely epic fashion. For that I absolutely thank you guys. I hope I can still count on you to help me in my future builds. Happy playing!