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Standard* Sagi007


2austin5 says... #1

I like the idea behind, I would personally add NegateMTG Card: Negates and more counters to protect your solitary creature. Or find b/u features with hex proof so you only need to counter are board wipes

May 6, 2012 3:38 p.m.

Sagi007 says... #2

ill swith out the Soulcage FiendMTG Card: Soulcage Fiend for those NegateMTG Card: Negates u mentioned think ill try out Lone RevenantMTG Card: Lone Revenantand see if i can get him with Predator's GambitMTG Card: Predator's Gambit 6/5intimidate +controlled draw.

May 7, 2012 7:37 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #3

Consider Killing WaveMTG Card: Killing Wave over Black Sun's ZenithMTG Card: Black Sun's Zenith. If you BSZ you run the risk of killing off your single huge creature but with Killing WaveMTG Card: Killing Wave you can pay life for the single creature and not have to worry about the life you paid because of your lifelink.

For example you make x=9 and play Killing WaveMTG Card: Killing Wave. You proceed to wipe away all of your creatures except Demonic TaskmasterMTG Card: Demonic Taskmaster, all of a sudden Predator's GambitMTG Card: Predator's Gambit and Homicidal SeclusionMTG Card: Homicidal Seclusion "turn on" and you have a 9/5 with lifelink to swing with and gain you back your 9 health you paid.

May 19, 2012 5:02 p.m.

Shane says... #4

MortarpodMTG Card: Mortarpod for the side board. Good at killing little things like tokens, delver, inkmoth.

May 19, 2012 5:22 p.m.

Sagi007 says... #5

yes i did when i made the deck but concluded tht using it diddnt guarantee killing my opponents creatures so did BSZ. on sidenote i made a budged version of this one ones by removing all high cost cards and dual lands there i favored Killing WaveMTG Card: Killing Wave over BSZ since it was cheaper and i also agree on what you say.

so il consider.

May 19, 2012 5:23 p.m.

Sagi007 says... #6

while MortarpodMTG Card: Mortarpod is nice at killing small things it requires saccing and for tht i lack creatures. i use Devastation TideMTG Card: Devastation Tide agains tokens since i dont own Ratchet BombMTG Card: Ratchet Bomb

May 19, 2012 5:28 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #7

Since your deck focuses on not having board position in the traditional sense, you might opt for more removal spells (Doom BladeMTG Card: Doom Blade, Go for the ThroatMTG Card: Go for the Throat, DismemberMTG Card: Dismember, etc.) to prevent your opponent from abusing a creature advantage.

Cavern of SoulsMTG Card: Cavern of Souls seems unnecessary in this deck. None of your creatures share creature types and that makes it difficult to justify using Cavern, especially since it can't help you pay for the color requirements of other spells.

May 19, 2012 5:46 p.m.

Sagi007 says... #8

yes have bin think of adding removal indeed as for Cavern of SoulsMTG Card: Cavern of Souls its there mostly to avoid getting the few creatures i do play from being counterd. but its the only cards in here i dont own and am opting of using Haunted FengrafMTG Card: Haunted Fengraf instead to get mine back if they do die or get countered.

May 20, 2012 5:27 a.m.

deviantelement says... #9

If you want compatible creatures, I would suggest OculusMTG Card: Oculus. It would be perfect to sack, and a decent blocker.

May 20, 2012 9:18 a.m.

DRDONUTZ says... #10

Yea, I think that you should take BSZ out for Killing WaveMTG Card: Killing Wave and put it in the sideboard for different matchups. Like if someone is running Sigarda, Host of HeronsMTG Card: Sigarda, Host of Herons.

May 20, 2012 10:25 a.m.

buffalo says... #11

Thanks for the comment on my Single Attack Noble.

Firstly i love Essence Harvest ! It just fits right in, and i'm surely gonne think it in somewhere in mine. Even though a 3/4 body for Fettergeist is nice i feel you might be better off with a Markov Patrician since you want to be attacking each round not blocking so that Fettergeist 's body won't matter. Furthermore you want to smack down a card:Predator's Gambit on it so you don't have to worry about the small 1 toughness and the lifelink on the Patrician will get you the life you'll have to give by not blocking.

Anyway, as you I think this a cool thought and i'll +1, good jobWould you check my The Lone Noble? I have intensified the aggression!

June 2, 2012 2:48 p.m.

buffalo says... #12

Oh realized that the Homicidal Seclusion will do you the lifelink-job, but until then the Markov Patrician should hold up your life. I admit i might think in Noble-mode as I am totally into the format. :)

June 2, 2012 2:51 p.m.

Sagi007 says... #13

i prefer Fettergeist over Markov Patrician ofr few reasons 1 being markov having 1 toughness when i started out i cam across loads of thing like Galvanic Blast etc. even Gut Shot . card:Predator's Gambit doesnt save it frome those while Fettergeist becomes more strudy by being a 5/5 flying initmidate and thts damm hard to actually stop.

June 3, 2012 4:54 a.m.

Baxisten says... #14

Demonic Taskmaster for Invisible Stalker . he gose through every time and whith the Homicidal Seclusion and card:Predator's Gambit he gets realy dangerous!

Alsow card:Predator's Gambit for Spectral Flight with all your removal you can make flyers unblockable as easy as intimdate!

i have a similar deck if you want to get ideas: Lone Stalker (AKA Homo)

and love the deck :D +1

June 3, 2012 5:37 a.m.

KampfyChair says... #15

I love the idea. Like, ADORE. In my playtests I did with your deck vs one of mine, this deck's real saving grace was the Lone Revenant 's hexproof-ness. With only one creature out at a time, any elimination or burn can really ruin your day, so I would recommend finding ways to make your creatures as resilient to that as possible. Namely, add 2 more Lone Stalkers if you think your deck can take the increase in mana, and/or find some enchantments or auras to make your creatures stick around longer to do more damage.

You get a thumbs up from me! :D

July 12, 2012 3:14 a.m.

elifosl says... #16

I love this deck. I have a very similar one but it centers more on the Revenant. I also splash white so that i can use Saving Grasp to make sure i only have 1 creature when I need it. It's too bad Deceiver Exarch will cycle out soon as flash ensures blockers and it has mild control added in. Also for blue/black Forbidden Alchemy can be great for getting what you need (especially Homicidal Seclusion ) +1!

July 14, 2012 2:32 a.m.

TheMagi says... #17

Interesting idea, definitely a good deck +1

August 27, 2012 4:26 p.m.

Demarge says... #18

I would suggest hiding away comments that are over a month old (the update tab has a checkbox that does this).

As for deck advise it's quite possible a lot of what is below won't exactly apply to your meta (in your updates it seems your meta is very small, therefore the chances it has any competitiveness to it is very low) so it's possible you could easily ignore whatever I type.

First of all while I was playtesting this deck for a few hours (this will be from this deck's perspective) I felt completely controlled as the control deck I was against (JunkyBuggy ) seemed to have no problems spending an Oblivion Ring or a boardwipe to deal with my few threats. To make matters worse I could never kill a Sigarda, Host of Herons aside from one time when I finally had 5 swamps for Mutilate , most games ended with my hand literally full with just kill spells.

Now there are many things that could fix these problems. one card that can plug up many of these holes could be Liliana of the Dark Realms . Her first ability gives you a constant flow of lands and in long drawn out games you'll be drawing threats or answers more frequently, her second ability can make your threats more threatening or be a kill spell on a stick, her ultimate could be handy if you added red to this deck for some endgame burn spells (like rakdos return), with how this standard seems to be you could easily just cut blue altogether for red r/b creatures are fast and can be control powerhouses like Olivia Voldaren , burn spells like Pillar of Flame and Mizzium Mortars can deal with early aggression and will generally feel more useful than counterspells and bounce spells, you can have access to Dreadbore and be able to easily kill planeswalkers, Rakdos Keyrune is a creature that can sidestep boardwipes and the sorcery speed removal in the format, and overall your mana will be better due to actually having access to 2 duals.

But if red doesn't excite you I guess you could run some Clone s sideboard, add in some Transguild Promenade so you can more easily do either a turn 3 Murder or Dissipate , and maybe try out some Desecration Demon or Vampire Nighthawk because this deck really needs a few more threats (when you're running just barely more threats than the average control deck runs boardwipes, let alone spot removal, you'll often be in trouble).

its seems big brick of text is big brick of text.

October 17, 2012 8:21 a.m.

Sagi007 says... #19

well first things first your absolutly right bout Sigarda, Host of Herons i noticed it aswell and was busy diciding what i should take out in the sideboard for Evil Twin /Clone (think it will be my 1offs). made a post of it somewhere this week in me stating that geting 5+swamps and a Mutilate are just slim when facing sigarda. other then that there is Homicidal Seclusion + creature to top sigarda but ive found depending on that...meh.

there was a time when i concidered Liliana of the Dark Realms didnt cus i only own 1 and couldnt get more of her(still cant). anyway more creatures? vs control i can see what you mean but useally 2 more is enough and i have Shimian Specter (i know he begs for removal but still if he stays he's great vs control).

ive also taken a look at your deck seems good to me. but while i havnt playttested against it seems i have enough counters and removal to beat your deck. true a resolved sigarda still poses a problem. but besides that cant think of any were i dont have a direct andser on. and plz dont disregard my bounce spells :) there handy to have and if the opponent plays fieldwipes i can pay 1 mana to return my creature in hand if need be(at that point it clearly beast Cyclonic Rift ).

October 18, 2012 6:35 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #20

For those exact reasons is why I run Sigarda, Host of Herons in The Incredible Bulk.

I really think you should have the Cyclonic Rift mainboarded, also I second the Liliana of the Dark Realms . Think about it this way: if you can kill something she's a targeted Mutilate then if you can't kill that creature she can fetch for you making your actual Mutilate stronger.

October 18, 2012 6:43 a.m.

Sagi007 says... #21

bit late on commenting but i have thought bout maining Cyclonic Rift just couldnt decide what to take out for it. i did try but that just didnt work. so what would you suggest?

October 19, 2012 6:14 p.m.

Decapablo says... #22

Very good deck!

October 26, 2012 4:02 a.m.

Vicarian says... #23

And with the Stab Wound plus all your other effects, perhaps you could work in an Exquisite Blood or two.

October 31, 2012 11:56 a.m.

zandl says... #24

If you're having trouble with control decks, Jace, Memory Adept is probably the best card you can use against them. Most control decks don't have a ready answer to Planeswalkers, and Jace, MA kills opponents without making creatures which can be dealt with.

Nephalia Drownyard is similarly good.

October 31, 2012 10:46 p.m.

Demarge says... #25

cards proven to make other control decks sad when you resolve them. Jace, Memory Adept and Psychic Spiral are generally good as wincons, and Nephalia Drownyard .

you may want some graveyard hate for your sideboard as well. Also your deck description seems to be a bit outdated and you may want to delete some of the updates (and then go into a newer update and hide the comments the old update held) as they are starting to clutter the page.

October 31, 2012 10:53 p.m.

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