Have you seen my card Tibors?

Commander / EDH Schmidty


Perhaps a Fabricate to help you get your scepter could be useful

May 10, 2014 7:56 a.m.

Schmidty says... #2

Good call. So many good cards in here for Isochron Scepter that Fabricate would be good. I swapped it in.

May 10, 2014 11:16 a.m.

Alcolitox says... #3

Stop playing League of Legends, it's cracking your mind

May 21, 2014 11:47 a.m.

Schmidty says... #4

Haha. I actually haven't even been on League in quite some time.

May 21, 2014 12:22 p.m.

xlaleclx says... #5

What's your favourite aminal? a Werebear ?

May 22, 2014 1:43 a.m.

kirakenso says... #6

it looks pretty good, but i recomend putting in a Nin, the Pain Artist , nothing is quiet as nice as drawing 10 cards or killing a mega scary 1 toughness creature (think like Kamahl, Pit Fighter ) , overall it looks fine, maybe not top teir but it wouldn't be very budget if you put in a play set of time walk now would it be?

May 28, 2014 1:09 p.m.

Schmidty says... #7

Thank you :) Yeah, I'm trying to stay pretty budget-friendly, which is the biggest hindrance. I thought about Nin, the Pain Artist as direct damage is always good. I do have quite a bit of direct damage already however and I'm not sure how easy it would be keeping a 1/1 on the board on my end. I'm not sure, perhaps she would be a better option, as I said, I'm not too familiar with these colors and how well this will synergize overall yet. Cards are in the mail and will get some playtime soon :P

May 28, 2014 2:33 p.m.

Sleazebag says... #8

Hey man, saw your comment and as a veteran of all things Izzet, I do have some recommendations for you. Not exactly sure how to add them to your suggestion list, so I'll just list them here:

Some equipment for your general:Grafted Exoskeleton Basilisk Collar Gorgon Flail

Some spells:Epic Experiment (This card CASTS all instants/sorceries revealed, triggering tibor and lumia each time!)Lightning Bolt - It's amazing man.[[Hinder] & Spell Crumple - Two of the VERY best EDH counterspells, can instantly defeat a deck if it shuffles in a general.[Blasphemous Act]] & Chain Reaction are the best red boardclears. If that isn't good enough then you have the slightly more expensive Oblivion Stone , Nevinyrral's Disk and All Is Dust

Stuffy Doll IS AWESOME

Argh, theres just so much!

Cards I would add from your maybeboard:Consecrated Sphinx (Its a fucking BEAST)Fact of FictionGlen Elendra ArchmageMerchant ScrollMizzium MortarsVandalblastSulfur FallsPact of NegationMuddle the MixtureNin, the Pain Artist

Now, your deck has a HUGE weakness, and that is mana. Your current sources of mana are one time use, and only give one color when you want multiple.I'd cut the cards like High Tide, Braid of Fire (Only good if you have instant speed or a dump ability) and Battle Hymn for mana rocks like Darksteel Ingot , Coalition Relic , Gilded Lotus , MindStone, Thran Dynamo , Izzet Signet , Spectral Searchlight , etc.

So many suggestions.

Ok, cards that are bad: Stitch in Time (keep it for flavor if you want, it is bad), Demolish, Breath of Darigaaz, Falkenrath Marauders, Syncopate, Essence Backlash....

Lots lots more, but I'm sleepy so I'll just recommend you check my Izzet deck.

May 30, 2014 2:51 a.m.

Schmidty says... #9

I truly appreciate you taking a look. I checked out your Izzet deck. The main reason the things are on my sideboard that are there like Consecrated Sphinx is that it's currently out of my budget range. I'm trying to keep this deck quite cheap to build for now as I've spent too much on my previous decks combined in such a short time of playing Magic. I will definitely look at the suggestions you've given so far though and really appreciate you checking my deck out. Some of the cheap cards on the sideboard are only there as well because starcitygames was out of stock when i ordered so i for now i switched in some cards i had on hand.

I also love Stuffy Doll and am thinking of taking it out of my Sygg deck for this one. I don't have much mana accel at all, so I totally agree with you I should put in some mana rocks.

I know it's rough to give someone a deck that's not quite completed in form to judge and suggest for, I just wanted to hear of anything before tweaking again when shopping for the cards that didn't come in before. Thank you so much again!

May 30, 2014 11:34 a.m.

JA14732 says... #11

Bad news-Erayo just got banned.

Beyond that, I think that Brainstorm might find a happy home here, as well as some more instants and sorceries, maybe even Time Stretch . I don't know. All I can say is that I'm not a big fan of Invoke the Firemind and there'd be much better things here. Compare Invoke to Blue Sun's and Red Sun's and you'll see why I dislike it; it's extraordinarily inefficient.

Oh, and if you have even half of a desire to play Dack Fayden, you need Gridlock+Battlefield Thaumaturge. Trust me.

September 17, 2014 12:41 a.m.

Schmidty says... #12

Thanks for the comment. Yeah I saw Erayo got banned, just haven't had the time atm to take him out. Sad day :( I don't even abuse him in this deck.

I like Invoke the Firemind due to the red in it as well. Deathtouch on Tibors with red and blue spells is so nice. guarantees giving him flying so he doesn't kill himself and helping keep the board clear. Brainstorm I have some extra of so might put one of those in for Erayo. My maybeboard is quite large, mostly cards out of my price range atm.

Thanks for your input again!

September 17, 2014 2:09 a.m.

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