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Commander / EDH hoardofnotions


Changes due to budget —Oct. 6, 2018

Arch of Orazca out for Desolate Lighthouse, cheaper activation for a worse effect. I'm for it

Inventors' Fair for Island. strictly a budget change. I'm sad about this one

Ponder for Mental Note worse card, but it's an instant! maybe that will distract me from playing this garbage :)

Preordain for Peek worse card, but instant. It was really annoying having these cantrips go up so much in price

Thaumatic Compass  Flip for Mind Stone better ramp for less protection.

Talrand, Sky Summoner for Murmuring Mystic cheaper, less powerful card

Turn / Burn for Invert / Invent cool new tutor to replace the one i lost to the budget!!!

overall i think i'm losing a good amount of power, but I've been enjoying playing the deck still. I'll take it as a sign that i'm good at seeing undervalued cards

WarriorMagic says... #1

I think that it will work well just as long as you don't get too pricy. I am kind of in the same boat with my own deck. I keep finding really expensive cards. I do think that you made a good choice in putting in niv mizzen for charmbreaker devils because it is much more consistent. Good job on this deck.

February 21, 2018 9:02 p.m.

hoardofnotions says... #2

Thanks WarriorMagic! I took out niv mizzet when I added salvaging station, but he was really good while I had him in the deck. Tinkering with the budget is one of my most favorite parts of having a budget deck

February 22, 2018 11:05 a.m.

KINGofORESKOS says... #3

Am I the only person who came here thinking this would be a vehicle decklist? What I found was much more interesting, so keep up the good work. +1!

April 2, 2018 8:46 p.m.

hoardofnotions says... #4

Thanks KINGofORESKOS! I've really enjoying playing this deck, and tricky names are clever :)

April 2, 2018 8:50 p.m.

derpytrollerZ says... #5

Sorry if these have been stated before because i didn't really bother to read through every thing. If you need more ways to reset your graveyard, you can always add Day's Undoing. If you're casting many spells in one turn, Magus of the Mind could work well probably. I feel like Mana Short should be on your mainboard instead of your maybe board. It offers a great shutdown on any opponent for a turn if needed. Also, lower the amount of lands you have. For such a low mana curve commander deck, the amount you have is a bit excessive (go for maybe 32-34 lands instead of 36?). You should also consider main boarding Nezehal. I can say from experience that he is really effective at keeping your hand full and having a good blocker on field.

April 22, 2018 9:55 a.m.

hoardofnotions says... #6

derpytrollerZ Thanks for the suggestions!

Day's Undoing is a clever option that'll i'll keep in mind if i need more of this effect. My only concern with playing it is that if i'm playing a control deck, running my opponents out of resources, then i gift them 7 new cards it'll make the deck have to work harder to actually win. Any thoughts?

Magus of the Mind is another cool card i hadn't even thought of! Most of the time i'm trying to pace my spells across multiple turns to get the most value from Jori En. The only time I'm "storming" off is when i have multiple 1 mana artifacts in play, Paradoxical Outcome and Aetherflux Reservoir in hand and enough mana to go for it. I'm imagining scenarios where drawing a 6 drop creature that needs to live a turn to do anything won't be good, so for now i think i'll keep the card on the back burner.

I really like Mana Short and Drain Power I just need to find space in the deck for them. Anything look out of place or underpowered?

The reason i'm running so many lands (37!) is that i want to hit a land drop every turn of the game till the end of the game, which if i'm doing my job of slowing the game down could very be turn 20 or more. I'm not running an excessive amount of ramp so hitting my land drops is like the izzet version of mana ramp lol.

I really like debated card choices and fine tuning decks so if you think I'm not thinking of a card in the right context or just being resistant to change for no reason please let me know! I really enjoy playing this deck and want to keep it relevant and updated.

April 25, 2018 7:27 a.m.

derpytrollerZ says... #7

Day's Undoing is more for when you just want to clean reset something IMO. If you're aiming to grind down the opponent by making them run out of resources, it might not be the card for this deck. Magus of the Mind requires a bit of work, but if you're playing low cost things over multiple turns, it won't be as effective. Pyrite Spellbomb isn't really that strong imo. 2 mana for either a card draw or 2 damage. If you need damage, just go for something like Abrade. If you need card draw, go for something like Betrayal Sure, you can do both with pyrite, but it just isn't really the most effective at either. Universal Solvent is way too high cost. There are better things out unless you're just using that as a low cost drop to activate abilities. Jaya's Immolating Inferno Could be better than Comet Storm depending on how much you're kicking comet storm. Cyclonic Rift is also a good card for this deck, but i'm pretty sure you've probably considered it and cut it for whatever reason. Hypersonic Dragon can also help if you're needing faster responses with sorceries. Muddle the Mixture can also help as a counter spell and a tutor at the same time. Other than that, i can't really think of anything. I could recommend more if you splash black but i think this deck is fine with 2 colors.

April 25, 2018 4:37 p.m.

hoardofnotions says... #8

I think I need to update the description to explain why i have so many 1 mana artifacts. It's for Salvaging Station, which has quickly turned into my primary wincon. Pyrite Spellbomb is a lot better when it can handle all the creatures with toughness 2 or less by itself (depending on my amount of mana), it can also take down one creature with toughness 4 or less by sac'ing to do two, salvaging station taps to bring it back, then sac to deal 2 more. Between Pyrite Spellbomb handling the small creatures and Aether Spellbomb handling the big ones i have a lot of control.

Universal Solvent is mostly there as a catch all answer. oh big planeswalker when i have no pressure or crazy enchantment nonsense, or silly artifact it all falls to the often unassuming universal solvent lol. It's also a cheap artifact for Jori En to get value out of it, value going in and out.

I think that Comet Storm is just a straight better card than Jaya's Immolating Inferno. Instant, no restrictions about legends, hits more things.

Cyclonic Rift isn't included because i can't fit it in a $50 budget. Wash Out is my budget substitute.

I don't think Hypersonic Dragon is necessary, I have 6 sorceries in the deck. It'd be nice obviously to cast them at instant speed but I'm not sure adding an enabler to do so is worth it.

I think that if i ran a combo, and one of the pieces was 2 CMC, I'd run Muddle the Mixture. As a counterspell, i like my counterspells to interact with everything. So no Negates or Remove Souls. The only exception I've made is to Disdainful Stroke because commander is a format where folks play big game winning spells and i want to stop that nonsense :)

I really appreciate you spending some time looking at my list, if you have a deck you'd like me to look at I'm more than happy to derpytrollerZ

April 26, 2018 9:44 a.m.