Glissa, Artifacts, & Aristocrats

Commander / EDH bushido_man96


Deepstriker29 says... #1

Add Nim Deathmantle for an infinite loop with Battlesphere, then throw in either Blood Artist or Disciple of the Vault. Cut Codex Shredder and Nemesis Mask - both are too slow and you have enough deathtouch redundancy as is.

August 25, 2018 2:01 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #2

I have been considering cutting Codex Shredder, so I think I will. I like Blood Artist, but if I was going to run the deck that way, I'd probably run a suite of those creatures, so I'm not sure on that one yet.

Can you tell me how Nim Deathmantle goes infinite with the Battlesphere? I don't think I have any infinite combos in here, and don't see where I'd get the infinite mana.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll be considering them when I get in the cards to switch out.

August 25, 2018 3:17 p.m.

Deepstriker29 says... #3

Oh my bad, I assumed you were running Ashnod's Altar. You should be running Ashnod's. Like, you really should, it's perfect for this deck and is one of the most broken cards in the format. Ashnod sac = 10 mana. Sac Battlesphere itself last, pay 4, return Battlesphere to field and equip it. Repeat for infinite colorless mana and ETB/Death triggers. Blood Artist and friends would be good regardless on account of the 11 artifact creatures you are running, giving you a gradual clock and some sustainability. I'd also go ahead and run either Damnation or Decree of Pain, as your engines may sometimes struggle in the wake of something such as a Stony Silence and you may want to have a panic button. Remember, you can stack Glissa's triggers from a boardwipe to effectively draw a full hand from the yard, so abuse other people's wipes too!

Also, I do understand that you want to keep the artifacts as condensed as possible, but Putrefy is one of the top 5 Golgari EDH cards for a very good reason.

August 25, 2018 4:29 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #4

Thanks for the explanation Deepstriker29. I've got an extra Altar laying around I can toy with. May have a Deathmantle, too. Will check.

I've got a copy of Putrefy, but haven't found where to squeeze it in yet. As for board wipes, I'm running Plague Wind and In Garruk's Wake, along with a few others, but Decree of Pain looks like a good option, too. I don't have any Damnation.

Thanks for the help. I've got some things to consider now.

August 26, 2018 3:49 a.m.

DiggleMcGee says... #5

How do you feel about something like Soldevi Adnate? Its not exactly an early drop but you can get free artifact creatures with a Mycosynth Golem. I noticed you have a longbow how about getting a second support equip like Thornbite Staff or Scythe of the Wretched. A Haunted Cloak gives you access to a bunch of really nice keywords that lets glissa use the death touch trample combo and easily swing and defend the turn she comes out. Finally, Marionette Master can be a very powerful win con. If you put all the counters on her you can do 4 damage to all opponents on every artifact death which gets out of control very fast

September 5, 2018 3:54 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #6

@DiggleMcGee, thank you for the suggestions. I did add a Thornbite Staff to the mix. Its just too good. I do like Soldevi Adnate, and he would pair nicely with my Priest of Yawgmoth as another mana-dork/synergy option.

I do like Haunted Cloak, and Marionette Master has been under consideration for some time. Do you have suggestions on what I should cut to make some of these additions? I'm very interested in your suggestions. Thanks for taking a look.

September 5, 2018 4:37 p.m.

DiggleMcGee says... #7

@bushido_man96 I recommend cutting vampire nighthawk and scuttling doom engine. Vampire nighthawk while hes a nice creature overall he doesn't offer anything unique to the deck just a decent blocker at worst and a source of lifegain at best. Scuttling Doom engine is a kind of crappy card that in almost every situation I would just rather have Wurmcoil Engine it costs a lot more cash for one but compared to it doom engine is pretty bad. Temur Sabertooth is kind of meh as well I'd rather replace him with something like Elder of Laurels or an equipment that can boost glisas general power to force blocks or risk dying to commander damage. Also something like Deadbridge Chant might be useful for your kind of deck where it can pick up things your commander can't while providing immediate use for any artifacts it dropped into your grave and picking up anything that isn't an artifact.

September 5, 2018 5:28 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #8

@DiggleMcGee, thanks for the suggestions. Allow me to run down why I've got what I got in here...

Wurmcoil Engine is awesome. But too pricey for me to go getting at this juncture. I have been looking into Ancient Stone Idol as a more budget friendly and deathtouchless option.

Vampire Nighthawk fits in with the deathtouch theme, and although not a great creature, it can make sure an opponent's creature dies, triggering Glissa. Temur Sabertooth is in there to allow me to return my edict creatures to my hand so I can recast them for more Glissa triggers.

September 6, 2018 1:56 p.m.

DiggleMcGee says... #9

@busido_man96 For vampire nighthawk I do think he is a nice creature but something like Hornet Nest it can provide a lot more deathtouchers or Liliana's Reaver which is a stronger creature that has an effect that also generates blockers you could pitch to your sac engines in a pinch. A sabertooth doesn't help a ton with your edict effects imo. When you drop an edict you HAVE to sacrifice which without more token generators can start to kill your commander or field. If you want to keep the repeatable edicts maybe try things that don't mind dying like Seedguide Ash, Solemn Simulacrum, or Yavimaya Elder. I can understand about wurmcoil I don't want to drop that price either maybe replace it with something better like an Avenger of Zendikar if you are doing good on land grab or maybe a Sheoldred, Whispering One which is only one mana more than scuttling and triggers your commander and resurrects your stuff

September 6, 2018 4:34 p.m.

DiggleMcGee says... #10

edit: to previous statement forget sheoldred he rose in price a lot more than when I bought him for 6 bucks doesn't fit the budget you were going for. Instead of him I'll say maybe Fangren Marauder

September 6, 2018 4:37 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #11

The initial deck list included a Fangren Marauder, but I found it rather lacking in performance. Life gain is ok, but its just ok.

October 18, 2018 5:51 p.m.

Glissa + Vedalken Orerry + Executioner's Capsule = instant speed terrors

Glissa + Unspecified Grave Pact/Sac to Kill Effect + Memnite + Unknown graveyard to hand creature recursion = repeatable creature kill... maybe?

Forbidden Orchard + Glissa, the Traitor + Mindslaver = Take another player's turns for the rest of the game >:V

Those are my ideas for some crazy jank combos man, far from that, your decklist is looking sweet, I playtested it and it runs just fine:)

June 12, 2019 1:27 a.m.

lifemtg says... #13

June 20, 2019 11:52 p.m.

lifemtg says... #14

I would take out the Golgari Rot Farm for Poison Tip. Golgari Rot is kinda slow, but depending on your meta and competitive level it varies. You also got tons of ways to ramp get mana and get value, so one land wouldn’t be a big deal

June 20, 2019 11:58 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #15

Thanks for the suggestions, lifemtg. I'd consider adding Darksteel Forge , but it's $20 I'm not willing to pay on one card right now. I do like the combo with Nev's Disk, though, and Nev's Disk would be a decent addition, too, and I will keep it in mind. The only bad thing about the Disk is it really puts a target on you for turn. Ratchet Bomb and Steel Hellkite run well in its place.

I had cut Nemesis Mask for Poison-Tip Archer , but didn't consider cutting a land for it. I'm already at 35, and am really leery about dropping much lower than that. Do you think I could get away with running 34 lands? I just worry about a bad draw?

June 22, 2019 10:14 a.m.

lifemtg says... #16

Idk this is a random suggestion. Replace Golgari Rot Farm for Windswept Heath . Also replace Burgeoning for Exploration although I understand this is not budget, and probably is not worth it for the money unless you get it turn one and then the whole game can change drastically.

July 9, 2019 11:05 p.m.

Deadpoo111 says... #17

Very solid! Have you considered Bolas's Citadel ? It's an extremely good card and usually just wins the game put right. It also sacs artifacts and is an artifact itself.

July 10, 2019 2:22 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #18

lifemtg, I like the idea of running Windswept Heath . I'll give it a go. I'm already running both Burgeoning and Exploration .

Deadpoo111, I have not considered Bolas's Citadel , but it does look interesting. It could get a lot of artifacts out quickly, for sure, and the sac outlet part of it could be useful, but I'd have to run it to see if I'd like to use that part of it. Its worth considering.

Thanks for the suggestions, and the upvotes! The deck just made "top ranked," so thanks!

July 10, 2019 6:27 p.m.

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