[Primer] I need a Tree-ro!

Commander / EDH Decisive


Falkenstein says... #1

Always wanted to make this deck or a wall deck. Nicely done

January 24, 2017 7:17 p.m.

You have way too many cards there, man. Commander has a 100 card minimum AND maximum.

January 24, 2017 8:31 p.m.

Decisive says... #3

I know, which is why I said, in the description, that I need help figuring out what to remove to make it EDH legal. Hence the "need help" red cross beside the name

January 24, 2017 8:35 p.m.

Falkenstein says... #4

I would keep most of the creatures and focus on taking out artifacts/instants/sorceries. You can get away with running a bit less land too.

January 24, 2017 8:43 p.m.

Decisive says... #5

Suggestions on what to remove?

January 24, 2017 9:04 p.m.

Falkenstein says... #6

Well I guess it depends on if you want to stay creature heavy or cut out half of them and keep support spells. I like creature decks so I would say cut a lot of support but keep mana ramp and drawing cards if possible. With all that toughness you will be pretty sturdy and don't need creature buffs as much either. Things like privileged position are nice but don't go overboard.

January 24, 2017 9:30 p.m.

Oh, easy way to cut cards: decide on what you want your theme/wincon is and cuz anything and everything that doesn't advance one of those agendas.

January 24, 2017 9:37 p.m.

TheAnetic says... #8

Maelstrom pulse isnt as useful in EDH as it is everywhere else. you can do better than 3cmc spot removal

January 25, 2017 11:32 a.m.

Slagwurm Armor is pretty great. Just an equipment with a +6/+6 buff for a mere 4 colorless mana.

Treefolk Harbinger is a strong 1-drop tutor that also has a high toughness.

Silklash Spider does an incredible job of protecting you from fliers, plus it's effectively a 7/7 to boot.

Oathsworn Giant gives your entire team a massive anthem boost and vigilance, which is a really relevant ability given all your high toughness creatures.

Putrefy and Mortify are efficient, relevant spot removal. Definitely should include.

Behind the Scenes is interesting since most of your creatures have low power and skulk will make them unblockable, but Doran then assigns high damage afterwards. It also pumps your creatures in a pinch.

Cultivate and Kodama's Reach should be included to help fix your mana base; very necessary in a 3-or-more-color decklist.

Bosk Banneret ensures your high-power (or should I say, toughness) Treefolk will hit the board sooner.

Spidersilk Armor is another anthem effect with Doran, plus it gives you another way to counter fliers.

Nyx-Fleece Ram has a high toughness-to-cost ratio and buffers your life a little bit.

Deadwood Treefolk gives you a small amount of recursion, which is always useful and powerful.

January 28, 2017 1:11 p.m.

Decisive says... #10

Austin_Smith_of_Cards I had all of those cards in the deck before, I sadly had to cut them due to limited space. Any cards that could be removed to give these cards space?

January 28, 2017 1:21 p.m.

I would remove the following cards:

You don't have that many lifegain cards in your decklist, so you can't take full advantage of Rhox Faithmender.

Kami of Old Stone is too vanilla and can be replaced by something better. Strictly worse than Indomitable Ancients anyway.

Wall of Nets is usually going to kill things before it exiles them, so it's actually weaker in a deck with Doran.

Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim is good, but not good enough. She's better in a lifegain deck than in a deck with high-toughness creatures, even though she synergises somewhat.

Tasseled Dromedary is too vanilla and doesn't do enough; Treefolk Harbinger is the better card.

Jaddi Lifestrider weakens your boardstate in order to make its ability useful, and usually having giant blockers is better than some lifegain.

Tangle Angler is good, but the decklist isn't infect, which means it's less efficient here.

Grim Contest can be swapped out for one of the better removal spells.

Return to Dust is outclassed since you have access to Sylvan Reclamation, and Mortify and Putrefy also can destroy artifacts/enchantments.

Seasons Past is a tough pick to remove, but most of your creatures should be sticking around on the battlefield anyway.

You have a lot of great boardwipe tools that compliment your decklist, so I think Wrath of God can go.

Belbe's Armor is a great topdeck mana sink, but unimpressive otherwise.

Abzan Banner is the most expensive out of all your mana rocks; it can probably go.

January 28, 2017 1:38 p.m.

Woodfall Primus is a great treefolk to add. Wall of Roots and Dauntless Dourbark could be cool too. +1

March 25, 2017 10:03 p.m.

Decisive says... #13

TheGreatKhanofMTG I don't like Woodfall Primus as its CMC is too high for this deck. I did add Wall of Roots and Dauntless Dourbark though. Thanks for the suggestions! If you have any other card suggestions, they would be appreciated!

March 26, 2017 4:13 p.m.

Greta deck, dude! Fruit of the First Tree could be really good :) stay frosty!

March 27, 2017 9:49 a.m.

Decisive says... #15

Lifegain isn't really needed due to the many life gaining cards in this deck, and they are just there for a little reassurance.As for card draw, I have Harmonize & Phyrexian Arena, which seem to do their jobs when I need them toAlso, my creatures don't really die much, they are either exiled or returned to hand or shuffled into library. So that really hurts Fruit of the First Tree.

Thanks for the suggestion, though The7thBobba.

I'd appreciate any others!

March 27, 2017 5:33 p.m.

Ah, I see. You're very welcome. Let me see if I can come up with something :) stay frosty

March 27, 2017 11:58 p.m.

Suns_Champion says... #17

Some things I like:

Elspeth, Sun's Champion - Obviously I like the inclusion but it seems like she could do some good work for you!

Meekstone - Good choice that not everyone would think about.

Some suggestions to put in:

Timber Protector - protection for your commander.

Tree of Redemption - good mana:toughness ratio.

Dusk / Dawn - goes along with Elspeth and some of your other boardwipes.

Sylvan Caryatid - really, there's no reason not too.

Kin-Tree Invocation - usually going to be a 2 mana 8/8.

Chromatic Lantern - basic color fixing/ramp that every 3 color deck needs.

Some to take out:

Obelisk Spider - not much -1/-1 synergy in this deck.

Triumph of Ferocity - this has to do with power, not toughness. All the red and green decks willl prevent you from drawing.

Trostani, Selesnya's Voice - good lifegain, but you don't have much to populate.

Hope some of this helps!

November 5, 2017 11:05 a.m.

Decisive says... #18

Suns_Champion, that coincidence is hilarious!

Timber Protector - Most Doran decks go towards Treefolk Tribal, which I'm not trying to emulate. Because of that, this deck doesn't run many Treefolk. Bastion Protector is strictly better here because of that, but I don't run either as Doran is usually left alone by targeted removal.

Tree of Redemption - Biggest issue with it is the defender, as I'm also trying to avoid most defender creatures (Hence why I don't run Axebane Guardian). I run Perdition because it has the added benefit of sucking the life out of my opponents, and Souls of the Faultless for the same reason/dissuading attacks.

Dusk / Dawn - Great card, good for removal and returning my creatures

Sylvan Caryatid - It's early ramp with a good amount of health. Great suggestion

Kin-Tree Invocation - Yes it will, most of the time, be 2 mana for an 8/8, and that's the problem. I've always had that problem with it, a lot of cards here have negative effects toward cards with high power/same p/t

Chromatic Lantern - Good idea

Also, thanks for pointing out the problem with Triumph of Ferocity, for I thought it was just an enchantment version of Abzan Beastmaster. I've since correct that mistake.

Thanks for the suggestions! Feel free to suggest more :p

November 5, 2017 3:29 p.m.

DrkNinja says... #19

"OH MY GOD BECKY! LOOK AT IT'S BUTT!" that's all that came to mind when I was looking through the deck list lol.

I like the deck, it's interesting to see someone play a non-defender version of Doran.

Just a few suggestions:

November 5, 2017 6:16 p.m.

Decisive says... #20

DrkNinja any cards I should remove to make space for those?

It's a maybe on Wall of Souls and Leyline. Angelic Chorus is nice, but so far Life hasn't been an issue. I like Wall of Souls as similar Souls of the Faultless, except its targeted, which can be helpful, and I like Leyline as that +1 boost is quite potent. I'm leaning more towards Leyline then I am towards Wall of Souls.

November 5, 2017 7:01 p.m.

DrkNinja says... #21

I think Gaze of Granite would be a good replacement for duneblast. Also very confused why Austere Command isn't here.

A good staple I every wash deck that I'd consider because of the synergy, Vedalken Orrery; you can flash in creatures and enchantments to buff your dudes for combat tricks.

As far as cuts I'd go with Mortify, as Putrefy and krosan grip have you covered with spot removal. Actually you just have WAY TOO MUCH spot removal I think. You are a creature deck not a control deck. Path over swords, cut solidarity because bar the door and tower defense are better, vindicate is just a bad anguished unmaking, vampiric tutor over Diabolic tutor.

I also don't like Kami of the old stone or looming Alistair, for 4 mana you should be getting more out of your creatures in EDH.

November 5, 2017 11:22 p.m.

Decisive says... #22


I replaced both Kami of the old Stone, and Looming Altisaur for Ornithopter and Phyrexian Walker. A 2/2 flyer for 0 and a 3/3 for 0. Thoughts?

November 7, 2017 8:28 p.m.

PartyJ says... #23


stumbled upon your deck after I was busy sorting my own version of Doran. I like what I see so far and having a primer is always helpful, especially for the newer players.

A few suggestions/questions:

  • The double cards in the deck categories are somewhat confusing. First time I saw I counted 107 cards, then I was like; hey double cards in categories are present. I would make a note about it in your primer.

  • In my meta we play lots of multiplayer. Do you feel that the single target removal is very helpful? I stopped using the mayority of them in my Doran build, because it did not only serve me.

  • Did you consider Eidolon of Rhetoric ?

  • And what about Vizier of the Menagerie ?

A great looking deck nevertheless. You got my vote!

Check my profile if you are interested in what I did.

Cheers, PJ

November 12, 2017 4:53 a.m.

Grim contest could be swapped for Mortify

maybe take out bar the door for card draw? Painful Truths Read the Bones Harmonize

Eternal Witness/Regrowth are generic good cards

maybe swap temple of the false god for Winding Canyons? This way you have another vedalken orrey on a land

Do you have problems getting your lands drops? Looks like you have 32 lands and couple high CMC cards. Might be worth cutting oathsworn giant or pontiff of blight for some lands?

Maybe cut cathar's shield as well? slagwurm armor seems better and i don't know how many of that effect you need

I really like the deck! Looks like a fun twist on the agro deck

November 12, 2017 9:50 a.m.

Decisive says... #25


Added in that under the Card Categories tab, thanks for the catch

I tend to go heavy on single target removal, mostly because I always like to have the ability to remove 1 threat, over the entire board. This deck runs a good amount of both removal. Even in multiplayer, single target is always useful. I may remove some in the long run though, but so far I dont encounter issues with the removal flood.

Eidolon of Rhetoric - I have considered it, but itll tend to slow me down too much. Its T/CMC ratio is also a bit of a letdown.

Vizier of the Menagerie - Ooh! Thats something worth considering! Though I dont like its T/CMC ratio, hot dog is it powerful.

and hoardofnotions,

Grim Contest: Its very flavourful though..Ill think about replacing it with Mortify, I might just remove it as removal and replace it entirely

Bar the Door: No. Just no. Bar the Door is a game winner. I also dont think I lack card draw, Ill have to see about that.

Regrowth/Eternal Witness: Regrowth probably over Witness, the GG in its cost is very unappealing to me.

Winding Canyons: Good idea

Land hasnt really been an issue, with all the ramp in the deck, 32 lands are enough. Though I dont really like Pontiff as in this deck hes basically a more expensive Kami of Old Stone (Since Extort really isnt that helpful here).

Cathar's Shield - Vigilance enabler and is free to cast, quite good, no?

Really is a fun deck to use. People I use it against seem to hate it though. I'm gonna add some quotes from players to the description

November 12, 2017 2:05 p.m.

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