nUKe13 Queen Marchesa

Commander / EDH nUKe13


Homelessguy says... #1

What about Mentor of the Meek?

August 29, 2018 3:13 a.m.

nUKe13 says... #2

Homelessguy I totally agree with the suggestion! What do you suggest I replace?

August 29, 2018 9:58 a.m.

carpecanum says... #3

Knighthood makes tokens more than just chump blockers and makes your deathtouch guys very scary. Rise of the Hobgoblins gives tokens and most of your guys get first strike.

Kyren Negotiations clicks with Throne of the God-Pharaoh

September 8, 2018 2:05 a.m.

is your meta creature-heavy/how competitive is this deck? most cedh decks win with combos, so attacking is less important. in casual games, players have the mana to pay for Ghostly Prison. i like the rest of your enchantments though~ :D

April 8, 2020 2:48 p.m.

nUKe13 says... #5

JudgeJuryExecutioner thanks for the comment! I haven’t played at an LGS recently, but I’m teaching my family with my sister’s boyfriend. He likes creature-swarm tactics (Jund, Zombies, etc.). So, my deck is mainly meant to makes the game more fair. It’s kind of like group hug, but more like keeping the rest of the table from going crazy, while weaker players have a fair shot.

I’m thinking of adding Mythos of Snapdax in to add to that control/sacrifice element. Still debating what to take out. Probably Aura of Silence or Return to Dust.

Thanks again for your comment! I’m not trying to be the most competitive at the table (Mardu never was, with the 3 weakest colors in EDH). My job, I feel, is to ensure a fair game, to the best of my abilities, especially to the budget/casual player at the table.

April 11, 2020 2:20 p.m.

Adamamtios says... #6

Hello there, stranger from distant lands! Thank you very much for your awesome deck and the very mesmerizing way in which you wrote the guide! Love it!

The playstyle seems really entertaining and I'm definetly giving it at try!

Just a quick question on the sidenote: Why do you choose Merciless Eviction over Farewell?

Thank you in advance and stay healthy!

October 16, 2022 5:10 p.m.

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