Butthurt by Tokens (4x FNM Winner)

Modern* Devilsmage

SCORE: 209 | 149 COMMENTS | 25765 VIEWS | IN 90 FOLDERS

Top 100, over 2k —Feb. 23, 2014

Thanks everyone, I hit top 100 deck on here and 2k views on the same day!

I also played this deck with a group of buds that get together to play...and I don't think I can use this deck anymore except for tournaments...it is ~very~ consistent in hitting a win condition.

Also, I am going to make a secondary deck to test out Garruk Wildspeaker to see if i can accelerate on turn 2 just a pinch more and then use his ult to +3+3 and tramply my tokens or small ramp creatures. Not sure how thats going to work yet..