Better Bigger Bluerer Eraserer

Modern TheSurgeon


V 1.0 —April 3, 2017

Here it is!! The first complete build of V 1.0!!

First, thanks to all that helped the deck this far, your kind words and advice have been invaluable.

Sorry guys, but i HAD to take out Cryptic Command.
WHY: Before turn 5 I need cards. I can't spend 3 mana when I pull it for one card, things go great until I get mana choked by it; i's not worth $50 for these two cards. Thought Scour does this and works with the archetype, seems ideal with little turbo mill and makes Visions of Beyond easier to get to and reduces the cost of the deck further by removing one of those as well. SO, who here likes budget?

The first sideboard feels solid for my meta, which is a bit more aggro. Your meta may vary.

I'm still considering a singleton of Psychic Spiral.
WHY: With a deck spread across 3 mechanics, I need something to get my library recycled. This does it while possibly finishing my opponent. If not, I have a full tank of gas with less mana, throughout.
WHY NOT I'm not crazy about the cost as many of you have also pointed out. I'm also not crazy about the real estate in my hand early-mid gagme.

So, I challenge readers to convince me one way or another, why this card should or should not be in this deck.