Aqua Mechanica

Modern* akatsukiguy


cooknathan says... #1

Woah. Okay ill be honest my first impression was "this thing is all over the place". So first off your going to have to explain to me what your trying to do with the deck. Are you trying to be competitive, are you playing casually with friends, are you just playing with cards that you own?

August 21, 2012 4:57 a.m.

akatsukiguy says... #2

Yeah, that's what I figured someone would say. I'm just playing with casually, and these are cards that I own. I'm just trying to make the deck more...focused or easier to handle. I honestly agree that this deck is not that narrowed down. This is probably the first deck I crafted, and it's my favorite, since I'm a big artifact fan.

August 26, 2012 12:31 a.m.

cooknathan says... #3

Ok, well the difficulty comes with me not knowing what cards are in your collection so I will try to keep this in mind and give general advice and suggest cheap easy to come by cards.

First thing, try to get the deck down to 60 cards statistically it is better in every way, this is a must. A 60 card deck is better than a 61 card deck, thats just how it is. Within that deck you should be aiming for about 40% land/mana creators, at the moment you dont have enough.

Focusing the deck. I can see that you have a little bit of counters and proliferate going. This could be a viable strategy so we will work here first. I would think about getting cards like Steel Overseer , card:Tezzeret's Gambit, Shrine of Burning Rage , Golden Urn I would highly recommend Steel Overseer if you could get some. You could keep things like tamyo, fabricate, inexorable tide, jar of eyebals , golem foundry, Contagion Engine, Ludevic's Test Subject and viral drake these are you core cards.

At this point I will also mention that it is better to have multiple (four) copies of youre better carsd or your core cards, I know that your playing with what you have but if you could find another two copies of Golem Foundry for example the deck would funciton much better.

Trimming the fat. So now get rid of the stuff that doesnt have good synergy with your theme. Chrome Steed and other expensive creatures that dont do anything are not great and if you want to simply drop something big, there are far better options. You also need to drastically trim down on your non-creature artifacts, get rid of the things that arnt doing much Venser's Journal, Voltaic Key, quicksilver amulet, Mycosynth Wellspring, Pristine Talisman and only keep your best equipment.

IMO the best thing you could do with the deck is basically have heaps of silver and Palladium Myr which ramp you into big threats and then have Steel Overseer to make even the myr a big threat. With some proliferation, soon all your little dudes are big and your big dudes are massive.

If you really want to aim the deck toward something much more competitive then I would check out Grand Illusion or Budget Affinity Modern for a little inspiration, but stick with what you have for now.

So have a go at trimming it down and focusing it a bit more. Get hold of what cards you can and then let me know and id be more than happy to give you more help. Good luck!

August 26, 2012 2:21 a.m.

akatsukiguy says... #4

Discussing dropping big creatures, Which ones do you have in mind? Like ones that you think would benefit best from this type of deck? Are a few of the ones that are in now enough? Or is there a different set of creatures you have in mind?

August 26, 2012 9:34 p.m.

cooknathan says... #5

So a vanilla 4/4 for 4 mana is usually an underpowered card (Chrome Steed )(vanilla means it doesnt have any activated or static abilities). The same can be said for things like Razorfield Rhino , Razorfield Thresher . Whereas cards like Platinum Emperion are simply awesome. Compared to Razorfield Thresher , you get a bigger guy with a very good ability for only 1 more mana.

I realise that you probably dont have many good big guys (or "bombs") in your imediate collection but if you at least cut your deck down to 60 cards you will have a much greater chance of drawing into them. And besides, in a 60 card deck, you only really (usually) need 4-8 bombs to be effective. Some of these 4-6 slots can be taken up by Fabricate or even Treasure Mage . (which may even be better in some circumstances). One other things is that "bombs" need not necessarily be creatures tamyo, Argentum Armor or Contagion Engine could fall into the catagory. It is pretty much any card which drastically changes the game in your favor when you play it (as a general guide they are the cards in your eck which cost over 4cmc lol).

Sorry if that was a bit long winded, I just woke up.

So out of the ones that you already have in there, if you kept 4-8 cards out of Inexorable Tide, Mirrorworks, Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Argentum Armor, Consecrated Sphinx, Contagion Engine, Elbrus, the Binding Blade, Platinum Emperion and maybe some of your better 5 drops or viral drake.

Some ideal cards would be planeswalkers (esp tamyo), Contagion Engine , perhaps card:Akroma's Memorial if you have heaps of little dudes. But also smaller things that are simply awesome like Cranial Plating , Sword of War and Peace . Specifically creatures, Pentavus , Triskelavus , Triskelion , Steel Overseer (as above), Blightsteel Colossus (if you think you have the mana), a buffed up Etched Champion is awesome.

Well I hope that gives you a few things to consider and I hope I wasnt too confusing :-)

August 27, 2012 4:53 a.m.

akatsukiguy says... #6

Going off some of the tips you've given me, I came up with a slimmed down deck. I don't have most of these cards, so if this is good enough, I'll try to start hunting these cards down.

24 Islands, 4x Viral Drake , 4x Steel Overseer , 4x card:Tezzeret's Gambit, 2x Shrine of Burning Rage , 1x Tamiyo, the Moon Sage , 2x Contagion Engine , 1x Platinum Emperion , 1x Elbrus, the Binding Blade  Flip , 4x Golem Foundry , 2x Precursor Golem , 2x Steady Progress , 1x Inexorable Tide , 1x Jar of Eyeballs , 4x Memnite , 3x Hovermyr .

I also came up with a Sideboard:3x Counterlash , 2x Fabricate , 1x Consecrated Sphinx , 4x Cackling Counterpart , 2x Mirrorworks , 3x Palladium Myr ,

I definitely thing that some of these cards can be swapped for cards like Pentavus , Triskelavus , Sword of War and Peace , Blightsteel Colossus , Treasure Mage , Etched Champion or Golden Urn , like you suggested. I would also like to thank you very much for the help your giving me!

August 28, 2012 12:49 a.m.

cooknathan says... #7

Looks good. A few things that come to mind is 1, I dont really like Precursor Golem . 2, you dont have any permanent removal. 3, I would prefer seeing Silver Myr /Palladium Myr over some of your smaller creatures (as it would help you get into your big stuff heaps quicker.

So I would recommend putting Argentum Armor (or maybe Steel Hellkite ) back in the mainboard to solve points 1 and 2 and then perhaps swap the myr out and sideboard the hovermyr instead.

Seriously though that look like a massive improvment, well done! ;-), let me know when youve updated the list on tappedout and Ill give you some more suggestions if youd like. Nice work.

August 28, 2012 5:32 a.m.

akatsukiguy says... #8

Alright, I updated it, and I tried to incorporate your latest steps, such as not using Precursor Golem . I agree that it wouldn't be as good because it doesn't say that all golems would be affected by abilities, just instants and sorceries, so using it along side Steel Overseer wouldn't be useful, so I removed that. I also added some permanent removals and swapped the cheap creatures like Memnite and Hovermyr for Palladium Myr and Silver Myr . Any more suggestions so far?

August 31, 2012 12:29 a.m.

cooknathan says... #9

Just had a few playtests. I think the deck is working really well +1. The only suggestion I can offer is I think you could loose Counterlash , Steady Progress and maybe even 1 or 2 islands (perhaps you could put in some Mana Leak or more creatures depending on your meta) but I am very happy to see how it turned out. Well done :-)

August 31, 2012 2:28 a.m.

akatsukiguy says... #10

I would like to thank you once again, and I have one more question. Do you think that this kind of deck could be used for serious use? Like a tournament or FNM?

September 1, 2012 12:07 a.m.

cooknathan says... #11

Well the problem is that Steel Overseer is pretty much your most important card and it isnt standard legal. Modern is a VERY competitive format and I dont think this can stand up to something like affinity (the deck I linked you to before). Extended is a format that isnt often played these days but it might do okay in extended.

Im not sure what I would sub out for steel overseer if you want to play standard, perhaps you could just replace it with Treasure Mage and try to ramp into big artifacts or put in Myr Galvanizer and Tempered Steel and go down that direction. If you did something like this, you would win a few games but TBH I cant see how to make this an extremely competitive standard deck without changing a LOT of things. If you are happy with not having a tournament winning deck then im sure you could have lots of fun with this at FNM.

Another consideration is that most of your deck will be rotating out of standard when Return to Ravnica is realeased. If you are after a long-term tournament deck, I would probably try to focus more on your green aggro deck.

September 1, 2012 4:40 a.m.

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