Not Your Average Bears: A Story Lost to the Ages

Commander / EDH* MachoGau


Hour of Devastation Update —Aug. 15, 2017

Okay, I'm a bit late on the Hour of Devastation changes, but here they are! Not much this time. The deck is currently in a pretty nice place at the moment and there are tons of new projects I'm thinking about. I've created a Battle Box that will soon be up on TappedOut as well for any of you boxers who like the format can check out my take. New commanders are always exciting and I have half a mind to build Cats or Pirates or Dinosaur Werewolf Vehicles in the coming months.

So this update is going to be on the small side.

It's actually just one card >.>

+1 Ramunap Excavator -1 Rishkar's Expertise

An extra copy of Crucible of Worlds is amazing. Not sure if that one requires much explaining! Rishkar's Expertise on the other hand, I was either drawing it at just all the wrong times, i.e. after a board wipe or it was winmore. If I was in a commanding board position, I didn't really need to cast it and if I wasn't, it didn't really help me catch up.

I'm also still working in an Admonition Angel somewhere. I keep forgetting to order/trade for one.

mortilus says... #1

With all the lifegain triggers you have, I'm surprised to not see an Archangel of Thune in here.

April 22, 2017 7:34 p.m.

Here's a little gem I found that you might be interested in: Khalni Gem. I would recommend Soratami Rainshaper but she doesn't stand on her own very well. Other than that maybe Mother of Runes or Privileged Position. You're a little vulnerable to targeted removal; I know it's EDH but it still couldn't hurt. You're also a little light on artifact/enchantment removal outside of Aura Shards, so keeping in line with your combat emphasis, there's Trygon Predator. Also fantastic deck! This is exactly what EDH decks are supposed be; fun to play and fun to play against.

April 27, 2017 9:18 p.m.

MachoGau says... #3

mortilus: I think Cathars' Crusade is usually enough with all the token creatures coming off of landfall. While there I will have many instances of lifegain, they're all consolidated onto only 4 cards. So unless I have 1 of those 4, Archangel of Thune ends up trying to do too much by herself.

nadder447: I really like Khalni Gem and Trygon Predator and have made room for both! I am worried about having too much protection redundancy. If my board gets wiped, Mother of Runes won't be helping me out too much. For now, I'm content with Spellskite and Sylvan Safekeeper and if I were to add another board protection card, it would probably end up being Kira, Great Glass-Spinner.

April 30, 2017 11:22 a.m.

chiri says... #4

Ramunap Excavator? For redundancy or a budget-friendly alternative to Crucible.

August 10, 2017 10:37 a.m.

MachoGau says... #5

Hi chiri! Yes. Yes absolutely Ramunap Excavator. I haven't upgraded my decks to their Hour of Devastation versions yet. My favorite thing about the Excavator is that he can't be interacted with until after you've gotten to use him at least once. So at worst, he's an improved Stoic Builder. Thanks for the suggestion :>

August 11, 2017 1:12 p.m.

chiri says... #6

No problem! I have to say though, Assault Formation is genius in this deck. It basically turns Kynaios and Tiro into an 8/8 for four mana which is insane.

August 14, 2017 6:22 p.m.