Lifted Research Group

Modern* APPLE01DOJ



I can't really think of anything to add on! Great idea. +1!

September 22, 2014 6:30 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #2

SwaggyMcSwagglepants What do u think about some Gods Willing ? or Boon Satyr ?

September 22, 2014 9:35 p.m.

Gods Willing is pretty ehh, but I like Boon Satyr . Master of Pearls and Wingmate Roc also seem powerful.

September 22, 2014 9:58 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #4

I like Wingmate Roc but feel it's a bit too slow. I don't see much benefit of using Master of Pearls over Dictate of Heliod ?

September 22, 2014 10:19 p.m.

mathimus55 says... #5

Master of Pearls is just a squishy and after game 1 expected dictate. I would not hesitate about making the swap. Dictate of Heliod for sure

September 22, 2014 10:33 p.m.

Mediumrick says... #6

Dude this deck looks like it could do some damage, I like it! You've probably already thought about this but if you find that you need to draw into more creatures Polukranos, World Eater could be an awesome top end. But this build just looks solid already. Good luck playing it.

September 30, 2014 1:50 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #7

It is super solid but yea, it really wants a playset of something else to draw into. I find that I need at least 1 creature in my opening hand and at least two lands or it's better to mulligan. ...which actually this deck handles fairly well. I've been testing Spirit of the Labyrinth and Boon Satyr and am leaning more towards Spirit of the Labyrinth because it works better with Devouring Light and my core is white. ...but really Im just hoping for a good 2 drop in Fate Reforged.

I own some Polukranos, World Eater I could test out. I think he's way too mana intensive for this deck though.

Do you have any thoughts on Suspension Field I've been considering cutting it. I've been thinking about maybe adding a Spirit Bonds but don't think I have enough creatures to make it relevant as a token gen, so using it mainly for a shield.

September 30, 2014 2:30 p.m.

tman007 says... #8

Maybe Return to the Ranks ? It's been very good for me in testing.

October 1, 2014 11:45 p.m.

Death_The_Kid says... #9

does Phyrexian Revoker have a SB home here? I love the card so I'm bias to adding it. Other than that this is a soil deck and I love it. I kinda dont like white at all but I respect G/W aggro.

October 11, 2014 12:55 a.m.

Death_The_Kid says... #10

oh also Naturalize for Whip shenanigans, or mirror match spears. or even removal for Theros creatures.

October 11, 2014 1:02 a.m.

Bigbadbear88 says... #11

I love it! What would you recommend if I was to make a budget version? By budget i mean cutting the Brimaz's and possibly the Fetches & Confluences. Are there any replacements you recommend?

I just need a standard deck to kick around FNM and side events with, I'm a Modern player at heart.

October 22, 2014 9:12 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #12

u don't need Mana Confluence and can get by without the fetches but there is no substitute for Brimaz, King of Oreskos . He blocks, he attacks, he creates tokens that do the same and can even be used to convoke a free Devouring Light

October 24, 2014 8:55 p.m.

xiao.wen says... #13

looks good. how often do you find the spirit blocking draws? it seems like alot of the guys winning standard dailies with jeskai or the mardu midrange use Seeker of the Way in that two drop skirmishing white slot. if its not blocking many draws then i cant imagine the spirit getting anywhere near as much combat work done as the seeker. i also love Gods Willing too much to not question its absence here, i get that ajani's presence hits multiple targets midgame, but could god's willing be better than oppressive rays? last idea, could a Wingmate Roc or an Ajani Steadfast be better than the fourth brimaz in context of legendary redundancy?

November 2, 2014 5:11 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #14

Okay, u have a lot of decent ideas, a few that have already been worked through (Crack Bird & Gods Willing )

Gods Willing is good in that it can make your creature unblockable, however Ajani's Presence offers multiple protection as u pointed out against things like Drown in Sorrow that are often used against this deck. Oppressive Rays flat out kicks ass. Nothing is better than watching some one ramp into some fatty that u nullify for 1 mana and swing past. Besides too much protection will shift the deck to a less aggressive approach.

Seeker of the Way is better in the decks that use it. This deck doesn't have that many spells to pump it and the 3/1 body is why Spirit of the Labyrinth is used. Seeker of the Way will be a 2/2 most of the time. Spirit stopping draws is pretty irrelevant, it's just a bonus.

Wingmate Roc is okay, but it comes down to space. This deck commonly wins on T5 plannin on playing a fattie on T5 sounds like a slower plan. What this deck really wants at that point in the game is a wrath. If it hasn't secured the win by then it needs to really make something happen.

Truthfully I've ran 3x Brimaz last rotation and 4x Brimaz this go around. Must say 4 is the right number all day.

Ajani Steadfast would be cool to add I'm not sure where he would help out. I had Ajani, Mentor of Heroes in the SB for grindy games where I needed to dig but really it was just a win-more kinda situation.

Thanks for taking the time to look at the deck and make some thought out suggestions. I appreciate that!

November 2, 2014 7:14 p.m.

Quadsimotto says... #15

Bad ass. I like it a lot (my best forrest gump voice)

November 8, 2014 9:39 p.m.

Death_The_Kid says... #16

surprised you are not playing Abzan by the way. do you have a reason you are not Splashing black at all?

November 9, 2014 1:30 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #17

Black doesn't offer anything this deck wants... It would offer a slower, more inconsistent more expensive ($$$) mana base, which I don't need. Thoughtseize which while an amazing card there are no "must hit" targets it the current meta and I already have 2 Turn 1 plays that it would be conflicting with. Hero's Downfall would be awesome but it's not needed. I have Devouring Light which can occasionally be cast for free and Banishing Light for planeswalkers or other problematic permanents. ...As far as aggro goes... Bloodsoaked Champion is easily outclassed by Sunblade Elf and Soldier of the Pantheon.

I may switch to Junk with future sets. I already own Verdant Catacombs and Marsh Flats so if those got a reprint, combined with Windswept Heath from KTK I'd have a sweet mana base already.

Been thinking about converting my Golgari deck to Sultai though for Sidisi, Brood Tyrant Sultai Charm and some counter magic.

November 9, 2014 10:27 a.m.

lll_PANIC_lll says... #18

Have you considered Heir of the Wilds or Leafcrown Dryad instead of the spirit?

Leafcrown would be great early game as a chump blocker much like you use hushwing. Then late game pump to your monstrous fleecemane.

Heir would be great as a defensive maneuver, putting you opponent in a stalemate sometimes, or forcing them to answer such a small threat.

Great deck by the way man.

November 9, 2014 8:20 p.m.

Bigbadbear88 says... #19

What is your plan against Stormbreath Dragon game one? Just kill them before they can race you?

Also, have you considered 23 lands? I ran 23 in a standard Boros deck pre-rotation with a very similar curve and had no mana issues.

Lastly, Erase seems like it would work better than Deicide, being that the Gods are seeing extremely little play nowadays. Nothing better than being able to Path to Exile/Swords to Plowshares a Courser in standard! In fact, it's better, because no downside! Just a thought

November 9, 2014 8:34 p.m.

Bigbadbear88 says... #20

Cutting a land could potentially make room for a 1 of planeswalker, how do you feel about Ajani Steadfast in here?

November 9, 2014 8:37 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #21

I think 22 lands could get the job done but this deck really wants the extra mana. It wants to pump with Sunblade Elf and equip Godsend. It wants to Monstrous Fleecemane Lion so I kinda consider the curve ending at 5 not 3.

I don't think Ajani Steadfast really helps my game plan out any. Like u said, in regards to Stormbreath Dragon the idea is to win before my threats become insignificant.

November 9, 2014 9:28 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #22

tristanwonpierce I thought about adding some Bassara Tower Archer. I don't like that Leafcrown Dryad is another creature that dies to Back to Nature :/ I've been looking at Heir of the Wilds but his pump is conditional and while certainly obtainable none of my creatures trigger it by default.

If this deck goes to stalemate then I go to End Hostilities on my SB lol. Usually a stalemate means I won't come out on top. Though with 10 removal spells, doesn't happen often. (every deck has it's days)

November 9, 2014 9:37 p.m.

Did some play testing with it against my mardu midrange deck. game 1, I took because you flooded out with Oppressive Rays and Banishing Light in the end. Game 2 you won. Your deck worked pretty damm well. I even had anger of the gods but Spear of Heliod saved them all. game 3 I won with End Hostilities and you proceeding to draw only removal after My only suggestion would be to move Oppressive Rays for some Boon Satyr. He seems like a perfect fit.

December 9, 2014 10:26 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #24

rocklobsterfinn awesome! thanks for play testing.

I have tested this deck with Boon Satyr and while I do like that it adds more bodies and versatility. This deck really doesn't like the double green casting cost.

I have Ajani's Presence for somewhat safety against End Hostilities but I've lost to "unlucky" draws post Wrath a few times. If only Gods Willing offered actual protection from most of the current sweepers....

December 10, 2014 1 a.m.

I just think the deck is a little creature light, have you considered Wingmate Roc? Your playing 24 lands so it shouldn't be a problem to cast.

December 10, 2014 5:47 p.m.

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