MTG Combo: Estrid's Invocation + Mirrormade + Second Chance

  1. Cast Second Chance
  2. Invoke second chance.
  3. Mirrormade Invocation on second chance.
  4. Move to next upkeep with 5 or less life.
  5. Place your invocation and mirrormade extra turn triggers on the stack. Above them on the stack, place your mirrormade and invocation flicker triggers.
  6. Let the OG second chance die for an extra turn. We no longer need it.
  7. Flicker the Mirrormade, re-copying the invocation second chance. The flicker the Invocation, copying the Mirrormade Invocation of second chance.
  8. Both extra turn triggers resolve. Since the enchantments were flickered, they're new game objects; you sacrifice nothing.
  9. Repeat every turn.

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