MTG Combo: Angel of Glory's Rise + Fiend Hunter

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Ariona on Ruthless Regiment

4 years ago

White weenies with ineffective combos

The major strategy is to buff our puny humans and turn them sideways. But I also included some combos to spice things up a little bit.

Combo 1

Combo 2

Angel of Glory's Rise + Fiend Hunter + sac outlet = infinite ETB and Death Triggers from all humans

Fiend Hunter + Sun Titan + sac outlet = infinite ETB and Death Triggers those creatures

Our sac outlets are Silvar, Devourer of the Free or Ashnod's Altar. The later will net us infinite colorless mana.


Add Molten Echoes to the mix to exile all enemy creatures PERMANENTLY and then swing with infinite hasty humans.

Bastion of Remembrance to gain infinite life and deal infinite damage

That is a 4 cards 15 mana combo, but I can do a lot worse.

Aggro-Blaster on Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

8 years ago

I took no offense. I am a newer player (about a year) so seeing what contributes to competitive edh is something that will help me determine power level.

However I do disagree with some of the downfalls of Hazezon Tamar that you stated. I have never played against him, so I am mainly speculating at his possible power level. I do see how a Toxic Deluge can easily stop the vanilla token army, but you ignore the fact that this army is not coming until your next turn. Unless it is an instant speed wipe, haste granting effects turn that slow threat into a much quicker threat. This are effect you can play the turn that you get them with cards like Fervor Having Purphoros, God of the Forge out before those tokens enter basically means you are burning each opponent for twice the amount of lands you have. Purphoros, God of the Forge is an indestructible enchantment (Most of the time). That is not an easy target it to remove. The deck has more then one way to go infinite in which each card has synergy with in the deck. Angel of Glory's Rise + Fiend Hunter with a sac outlet makes infinite tokens at the beginning of your next turn. Similarly Karmic Guide + Reveillark with a sac outlet makes infinite tokens. Those pieces alone recur themselves. It also has instant speed infinite combos it could run with effects such as Dragonrage + Reiterate plus seven creatures (You need seven mana to cast Hazezon Tamar means you probably have seven lands) The changeling spell I was referring to earlier was Shields of Velis Vel. That one is on me, I should have linked it. Not only does that wipe an opponents field with your commander but also with Angel of Glory's Rise. The tokens will not suffer Hazezon Tamar 's exile effect if he is killed off before. The deck likes having a sac outlet so it encourages having one. The deck is capable of drawing serious amounts of cards with Skullclamp , Skullmulcher , and Collective Unconscious type effects. Hazezon Tamar is merely a finisher. Red provides all the response a player really needs. Between reds ability to copy spells it truly stops some game finishers. A copy spell stops a high storm count with Tendrils of Agony. It stops counters. It makes extra turn spells useless. They provide early responses and late responses. They stop a Rise of the Dark Realms. White provides all the removal you would need. And green provides the ramp to your finisher. Green and white provide all the tutoring that is needed and a Sunforger provides instant speed answers from your deck.

I am not saying Hazezon Tamar should be moved up. But in my eyes he provides a solid avenue towards a synergistic deck. I figured we had a debate over an old Commander, why not another? If we judge the decks based on the ability to perform the four same aspects of gameplay there is no room for growth. I simply asked what keeps him out of tier two. While I am not doubting that you put thought into your dismissal of his power level, I feel like you also ignored key wording in his abilities.