MTG Combo: Altar of the Brood + Liquimetal Coating + Saheeli Rai

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Icbrgr on Switch Deck

1 year ago

A "Transformative" decklist is what I think people call it.... It's certainly been done before but i cant give any real competitive examples.

I personally run a Saheeli combo deck in modern Altar of the Brood + Liquimetal Coating + Saheeli Rai for a Mill win condition.... but if milling becomes complicated due to something like Emrakul, the Aeons Torn or I predict they will bring in artifact hate i just bring in the classic Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai infinite cat combo instead.

MRDOOM3 on Etherium Blast

7 years ago

When he comes out, you can also try out Tezzeret, Master of Metal. Nice card filter and nice -3, especially with Lattice.

For another nice infinite combo, you can make an Altar of the Brood + Liquimetal Coating + Saheeli Rai combo, or you can replace the Coating with Lattice.

Thopter Assembly + Time Sieve works as well.

I was going to ask "Where's the Academy Ruins?", but then I realized that you may be wanting to keep this budget.