strong textHello! I was introduced into Magic around the release of the Ixalan block but didn't start playing until Core Set 2019. Favorite archetypes are aggro and spellslinger. Like playing casual Magic with my friends. Feel free to comment on any of my decks as i would really appreciate any advice on them.

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MTG Decks


Commander / EDH MattyPatty


Bubble Guppies

Commander / EDH MattyPatty


Finished Decks 148
Prototype Decks 31
Drafts 0
Playing since Core Set 2019
Avg. deck rating 3.14
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Pioneer, Commander / EDH, Limited, Pre-release, Arena, Casual
Suppressed formats Modern, Pauper, Legacy, Vintage, Duel Commander, Planechase, Archenemy, Vanguard, Heirloom, Hero, Noble, Oathbreaker, Block Constructed, MTGO, Unformat, Quest Magic RPG, Quest Magic, Unknown
Cards suggested / good suggestions 10 / 9
Venues World of Games
Joined 5 years
MTGO Username lolololololololololololidonthaveoneXDXDXDXDXLMAO